A python implementation of the signature logic associated with the OAuth 1.0 protocol. It is not designed to handle the entire OAuth flow, and blissfully ignores the nonce. Use it for generating and validating signatures.
The code is hosted here at github. The latest code can be downloaded as a zip file or a tarball.
Requires Python 2.6 or newer and python-urlencoding.
Can be installed using pip:
pip install -r http://code.daaku.org/python-oauth/reqs
This is the primary interface into the library.
Represents outgoing or incoming requests. Provides the ability to sign outgoing requests (sign_request), and validate incoming signed requests (validate_signature).
- url
- The URL. Query parameters in the URL will automatically be parsed out. Required.
- http_method
- The HTTP method for the request.
- params
- A dict or string body of request parameters.
- headers
- A dict which may contain the Authorization header.
- version
- The oauth_version.
- timestamp_threshold
- The number of seconds a received timestamp can be off by.
- nonce_length
- The length of the randomly generated nonce.
Validates an existing signature in the request. It does not return a value, and will throw an OAuthError exception when it fails.
This is the basic usage flow for validating signatures:
- Create a Request object
- Create a dict with the OAuth Consumer information
- Optionally create a dict with the OAuth Token information
- Call validate_signature with the Signature Implementation, Consumer and optional Token and catch OAuthError exceptions.
>>> from oauth import OAuthRequest
>>> from oauth.signature_method.plaintext import OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT
>>> import time
>>> params = {
'oauth_nonce': '9747278682',
'oauth_timestamp': str(int(time.time())),
'oauth_consumer_key': 'my-ck',
'oauth_signature_method': 'PLAINTEXT',
'oauth_version': '1.0',
'oauth_signature': 'my-cks%26',
>>> consumer = {'oauth_token': 'my-ck', 'oauth_token_secret': 'my-cks'}
>>> request = OAuthRequest('https://example.org/get-request-token', 'GET', params)
>>> request.validate_signature(OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT, consumer)
Generate a new signature adding/replacing a number of oauth parameters as part of the process. Use this when you are making outbound signed requests.
This is the basic usage flow for generating signatures:
- Create a Request object
- Create a dict with the OAuth Consumer information
- Optionally create a dict with the OAuth Token information
- Call sign_request with the Signature Implementation, Consumer and optional Token.
>>> from oauth import OAuthRequest
>>> from oauth.signature_method.hmac_sha1 import OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1
>>> consumer = {'oauth_token': 'my-ck', 'oauth_token_secret': 'my-cks'}
>>> request = OAuthRequest('http://example.org/get-request-token')
>>> request.sign_request(OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1, consumer)
>>> header = request.to_header()
header will now contain the string that can be used as the Authorization header for this request.
Generates the Authorization header with the current OAuth parameters.
Generates a URL suitable for a GET request.
Generates the POST body.
This library supports the three types of signature methods defined in the OAuth specification. If you intend to use RSA-SHA1 signatures, you will also need to make sure you have the tlslite module available.
If you are using the PLAINTEXT or HMAC-SHA1 signature methods, then all you need to do is use the provided implementations. But the RSA-SHA1 implementation requires you to create a concrete implementation by inheriting from OAuthSignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1 and provide a public_cert and a private_cert, and use your class as the signature_method for signing and validating requests.
The base signature method class. An implementation needs to provide a name and a signature. The default validate_signature compares a newly generated signature.
- request
- An instance of an OAuthRequest object.
- consumer
- A dict containing the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret representing a OAuth Consumer.
- token
- An optional dict containing the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret representing a OAuth Token to be used in signing the request.
Generates the Signature Base String.
Checks if the given signature is valid. Default behaviour is to generate a new signature and compare it to the given one. Raises an OAuthError if the signatures do not match.
- signature
- The signature to validate.
Implements the HMAC-SHA1 signature logic.
Implements the RSA-SHA1 signature logic.
This is not a concrete implementation. An implementation needs to provide a public_cert and a private_cert.
The private certificate used for signing requests.
An implementation needs to provide this.
The public certificate used for validating signatures.
An implementation needs to provide this.
Implements the PLAINTEXT signature logic.